Healthy Eating

Healthy Food and Drink Policy for Organisations

Healthy Food and Drink Policy for Organisations

This document is an adapted version of the National Healthy Food and Drink Policy. Instead of being targeted at the District Health Boards, this policy is targeted at any organisation that wishes to get support in the promotion and delivery of healthy food and drink. As such, it is a useful resource for tertiary institutions to access. To view this document, click here.

National Healthy Food and Drink Policy

National Healthy Food and Drink Policy

The following resource was created by the National District Health Board Food and Drink Environments Network to guide New Zealand District Health Boards and the Ministry of Health in the promotion of healthier food and drink choices. This policy is still highly informative for use in tertiary settings. For the full resource, see the link here.  

A policy brief for promoting mental wellbeing in universities (Healthy Sydney University)

A policy brief for promoting mental wellbeing in universities (Healthy Sydney University)

"The main aim was to review the effectiveness of population or settings-based strategies and approaches for promoting the mental wellbeing of students and staff within universities. This policy brief focuses on the papers relating specifically to mental health outcomes (around a third of the papers reviewed). The remaining two thirds of papers were focused on alcohol, tobacco or other drugs; we have included a short summary of these papers in the ‘Discussion’ section."

Full report available here

Healthy Sydney University Evidence 2012-2016

Healthy Sydney University Evidence 2012-2016

"Based on the evidence generated by Healthy Sydney University, a healthy university: − encourages people to move more and be physically active; − supports mental wellbeing; − provides a healthy food and beverage environment; and − embeds health across all areas of the organisation."

Full report available here

Workplace Health and Wellness - A Guide to Promoting Health and Wellness in the Workplace

Workplace Health and Wellness - A Guide to Promoting Health and Wellness in the Workplace

This resource assists employers to make their workplaces healthy by encouraging supportive environment and policies and promote physical activity, healthy eating, smoke-free environments and mental wellbeing.

Full report available here