Victoria University – Friday 26th October 2018
Join us for Victoria University of Wellington’s ninth annual wellbeing symposium—an event which brings together students, academic and professional staff, and anyone working to improve wellbeing in tertiary education.
This year’s presentations and workshops focus on the role of mindfulness in tertiary education, exploring how mindfulness can transform lives, learning and our institutional culture.
Mindfulness is a powerful and effective wellbeing skill. Internationally there is increasing evidence that mindfulness practices can significantly enhance individuals’ coping and wellbeing capacity, and its simplicity, yet sophistication, appeals to members of our communities.
Across plenary sessions, panels, workshops and interactive exhibits, a range of experts, researchers, staff and students from our wellbeing community will explore how mindfulness awareness and practices can be introduced into our lives and support a culture of wellness in our academic institutions.
This ninth annual gathering also serves as an opportunity for connection and collaboration around the ever more important issue of our health and wellbeing.
Ninth annual Wellbeing Symposium—Mindfulness in tertiary education
8.30 am to 5 pm, Friday 26 October 2018
Memorial Theatre (SUMT228), Level 2, Student Union Building, Kelburn campus
Full symposium schedule attached
Early-bird registration fee (until 4 October)—$75
Full registration fee—$100
75 free student registrations available—registration required
Plenary keynote speaker: Professor Paul Jose, School of Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington.
Break out workshops and sessions: Students, professionals and tertiary staff will present interactive workshops and short talks on their programmes, research and applied practice in the area of mindfulness.
There will also be four interactive exhibition stands presented by Zen Division, Zeno Project, Student Finance and Healthy Tech Habits.
Contact for information or questions.