
Expecting Rejection: Understanding the Minority Stress Experiences of Transgender and Gender-non-conforming individuals

Expecting Rejection: Understanding the Minority Stress Experiences of Transgender and Gender-non-conforming individuals

"Transgender and gender-nonconforming (TGNC) individuals often are the target of enacted or external (i.e., distal) experiences of stigma, discrimination, and violence, which are linked to adverse health, particularly psychological distress. There is limited research, however, examining felt or internal (i.e., proximal) stressors faced by TGNC individuals. This study sought to examine one type of internal stressor, expecting rejection, and aimed to (1) identify how and to what extent rejection expectations operate day-to-day for TGNC individuals and (2) ex-
plore how TGNC individuals respond to expectations of rejection.

Read more of this journal article here.

Community and Public Health Resources on Rainbow Wellbeing

Community and Public Health Resources on Rainbow Wellbeing

If you would like to order resources for your tertiary institution, Community and Public Health is a great place to start. They offer pamphlets on youth support, specialised help lines, Christchurch-specific support and Takatāpui wellbeing. A link to order these is available here

State of Positive Education

State of Positive Education

A report by the World Government Summit, in collaboration with the International Positive Education Network. "Positive education views school as a place where students not only cultivate their intellectual minds, but also develop a broad set of character strengths, virtues, and competencies, which together support their well-being [...] This report is broken into five sections: one leader’s perspective and introduction to positive education and its history; case studies from primary, secondary, and tertiary schools around the world that are actively implementing positive education; and policy perspectives on positive education."

The report can be found here.

The State of the Tertiary Education Sector in New Zealand – 2013

The State of the Tertiary Education Sector in New Zealand – 2013

"The Survey of Work and Wellbeing in the Tertiary Education Sector surveyed academic and support staff from New Zealand universities, polytechnics, technical institutes and wananga. Almost 3,000 respondents completed the survey, the majority of whom were union members. The findings detailed in this report paint a picture of deteriorating wellbeing, with intensifying workloads and reduced satisfaction with work in the sector."

Full report available here

Healthy Sydney University Evidence 2012-2016

Healthy Sydney University Evidence 2012-2016

"Based on the evidence generated by Healthy Sydney University, a healthy university: − encourages people to move more and be physically active; − supports mental wellbeing; − provides a healthy food and beverage environment; and − embeds health across all areas of the organisation."

Full report available here

Mental Health and Wellbeing Discussion Paper - UBC Vancouver

Mental Health and Wellbeing Discussion Paper - UBC Vancouver

"This paper will present the following: 1. The post-secondary mental health challenge and rationale for institutional action; 2. The scope of the challenge at UBC; 3. Guidance from the literature, best practices research and key organizations on the components of a successful campus mental health strategy; 4. Overview of the draft UBC Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy; 5. Discussion of current mental health initiatives at UBC; 6. Discussion of priority actions and next steps under the UBC Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy"

Full discussion paper available here

A blueprint for student mental wellbeing in universities

A blueprint for student mental wellbeing in universities

This resource provides a research summary and recommendations for tertiary settings to encourage positive mental health and wellbeing. These recommendations include considering alternate academic strategies, infusing mental health knowledge and skills in the curriculum, developing and promoting the use of eHealth technologies, building healthy physical environments.

Full resource available here

Healthy University Sydney - Guiding Principles

Healthy University Sydney - Guiding Principles

"Healthy Sydney University (HSU) aims to create a healthy learning and working environment for students and staff at the University of Sydney. HSU brings together students, professional staff, academics and researchers from across our faculties and professional service units to plan, implement and evaluate healthy university strategies. These strategies are informed by the best available evidence and are rigorously evaluated to ensure we generate new evidence around healthy learning and working environments. Our focus is across three key areas: healthy peoplehealthy places and healthy policies."

Full report available here