
Social Media: An Alcohol-Saturated Space

Social Media: An Alcohol-Saturated Space

This policy brief covers the case for regulation of alcohol marketing on social media sites. This is a highly relevant issue for student drinking.

"The pervasiveness of alcohol-related content and alcohol marketing on social media sites works to normalise alcohol consumption, including excessive drinking [...] We summarise the evidence supporting the need for an urgent review of alcohol marketing via social media – a challenge that can no longer be ignored if New Zealand is to make a serious commitment to reduce the harm caused by alcohol to our young people and communities."

The full report is available here.

A policy brief for promoting mental wellbeing in universities (Healthy Sydney University)

A policy brief for promoting mental wellbeing in universities (Healthy Sydney University)

"The main aim was to review the effectiveness of population or settings-based strategies and approaches for promoting the mental wellbeing of students and staff within universities. This policy brief focuses on the papers relating specifically to mental health outcomes (around a third of the papers reviewed). The remaining two thirds of papers were focused on alcohol, tobacco or other drugs; we have included a short summary of these papers in the ‘Discussion’ section."

Full report available here