ATLAANZ and ANZSSA Joint Wellington Regional Hui - 12th of July 2017
Whitireia NZ: Wikitoria Katene 134/135/136 Porirua Campus
This year, the Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Australia New Zealand Student Services Association are combining forces to deliver Wellington's regional hui.
The Keynote Speaker of the event will be Annette Fale, who is the CEO of First Foundation.
"She will share experiences of working with young people, in particular our Māori and Pacific youth, examine the importance of identifying key strengths in young people and how we can bring out the best in them in the tertiary environment, look at new and different ways of working together to build confidence, unity and purpose, including how tertiary providers can link with community organisations. She will explore ways to encourage students to be the voice to design and shape services for the future, and share ideas about how student services can make a difference for young people in their transition to tertiary study."
Following the keynote, there will be opportunity for discussion of how we can nurture future young leaders, as well as a variety of workshops on the following topics:
- Inclusive practice for students with learning difficulties and impairments
- Student voice
- Support services after an earthquake
- Engaging new students/orientation
- Your own "hot topics" - what's 'on top' for your organisation?
To register for this event, send this registration form to before 7 July, subject line 'Hui registration'
There is no charge for ATLAANZ or ANZSSA members
Non-members are welcome but are asked for a $25 fee to cover catering.