From the Health Promotion Forum:
There are many people who work in health promotion across New Zealand in many different organisations. No-one really knows how many or where they work. We are interested in exploring who makes up the health promotion workforce, where they work, and what their professional interests and needs are.
We have developed a questionnaire that covers what you do, the skills you have, what kind of organisation you work in, and what your professional support needs and opportunities are. We invite you to take part in this exploratory study.
If you work in health promotion please click on the link below, or copy and paste it into your browser, and complete the questionnaire. We think it will take about 15 minutes to do. The close off date for completing the questionnaire is the 23rd December.
Take the Survey
Because we don’t know how many people work in health promotion, we would like you to forward this email, and the link, to as many other health promoters you work with or know. We apologise if you have received this invite from more than one place – it just means you are really well connected.
There is a box at the end of the questionnaire to put your email address, if you would like to receive a summary of the results next year. This will be separated from the rest of the questionnaire to keep your anonymity.
We really appreciate your participation in this survey.
Please contact or for further information.