South Island Tertiary Forum

South Island Tertiary Forums have a focus on health and wellbeing. Forums are held biannually in Christchurch for staff and students from South Island universities, polytechnics and institutes of technology. Over 50 participants attended from the recent forum in May. Forums are organised by Anna Thorpe, tertiary and alcohol health promoter from Community and Public Health, CDHB. The Health Promotion Agency (HPA) supported the event.

The 2015 international Okanagan Charter for health promoting universities and colleges was introduced by Craig Waterworth, Massey University academic and co-chair of the Tertiary Wellbeing Aotearoa New Zealand (TWANZ) network. Participants brainstormed tertiary initiatives that fitted into each of the eight action points of the Charter. The TWANZ network was introduced by Anna Tonks, co-chair of TWANZ and CAYAD health promoter, and more members were recruited. Preliminary results from the current South Island Tertiary Survey of Health and Wellbeing Initiatives were presented by HPA-funded contractor Carmen Collie and Anna Thorpe. This survey is structured around the action points of the Okanagan Charter. A group of health promotion students at the University of Canterbury presented on student wellbeing: what students liked and what they wanted to see more of. Staff wellbeing issues and research findings were presented by UC Health Science, lecturer Tracy Clelland. An anti-sexual violence campus collaboration between Lincoln University, UC and Ara Institute of Canterbury detailed their purpose and process. The final presentation covered an alcohol harm-minimisation campaign at Weltech campus, by Anna Tonks.

HPA is interested in creating stories about Smokefree campuses to more effectively message young people about not smoking. Those interested can get in touch with Senior Education Advisor, Tania Cotter at  A working group will be set up shortly around healthy food and beverages on campus. Please contact Anna Thorpe if interested in getting involved. The next South Island Tertiary Forum will be held around November 2016 at UC and organised by a cross-campus team, for the first time.

Those interested in receiving presentations from May’s forum can contact