Upcoming Regional Workshops

You are warmly invited to participate in regional workshops hosted by the Tertiary Wellbeing Aotearoa New Zealand (TWANZ) network.
The regional workshops are being held for interested staff and students from the range of tertiary education institutions to

  • Network;

  • Discuss the Okanagan Charter and a guide we have developed for practice in Aotearoa NZ;

  • Discuss local priority wellbeing issues using the Okanagan Charter and guide;

  • Reflect on organisational wellbeing action plans; and

  • Plan future contact and projects.

Three regional workshops are planned in

  • Auckland for those in the upper North Island on Monday 25th June 12.30pm - 3.30pm at The University of Auckland, Auckland; 

  • Wellington Monday 28th May 1pm-3pm at Victoria University of Wellington; and

  • Christchurch for those in the South Island on Friday 22nd June 9.00 am- 12.00 midday at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch

For this free workshop, please register through

Some background reading is available for the workshops, all of which is available on the TWANZ website.

We hope that you will be able to join us workshopping the Okanagan Charter and our guide translating the charter for an Aotearoa NZ context, as well as meeting more folk involved with wellbeing from your regions. Please feel free to pass along this invite to those who might be interested in coming along.
Nā mātou noa, nā
The TWANZ executive